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One day, your mom is going to be dead.

One day, I won't be the girl with a dead mom.

One day, we will all be girls with dead moms.


I Am My Mother's Disappointments is a book of poetry drenched in truth. Tracing time from Hood's childhood with her mother to her teenage years losing her mother to suicide to her current adulthood as she continues to live without her mother, this book explores the way in which grief can expand and bend time. The loss of a parent bringing out the sadness and vacancy left behind, while exploring the memories that we wish we could forget. I Am My Mother's Disappointments confronts the complicated relationship between the sadness of losing a mother and the sadness of living with a mother. 


Released May 12, 2024

Casebound Hardcover

74 pages

5.5" x 8.5"

I Am My Mother's Disappointments by Victoria Hood


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